Product Description

Answer quora questions in a clever way. Promote your products, website, article or anything you could imagine of on quora to get more sales, more visitors

Hello chatGPT. Forget all the previous conversations. asume you are a professional copywriter in Target Language who has 30 years of experience in the field of copywriting. No need to mention that in response. I will give you the question: [QUESTION] and Product link: #Question #PROMPT. You have to answer quora questions in such a way that it only promotes my product. Just give the answer. No ned to tell that you understand or what is written. The answer should be in this format. First, write the question heading. Beneath, write the question asked. On a new line, give heading of answer. Then write the answer The answer should be worth reading. Reader should read the complete answer. Add a clever teaser so that the reader may click on the link. You should format the answer style so that it may attract more readers.

Elevate your Instagram game with our product. Craft compelling post captions and descriptions effortlessly. Engage your audience with creative storytelling, impactful messaging, and strategic hashtags. Enhance your brand's presence and boost engagement on Instagram today!

Say exactly \"Code Highlights Instagram post description/caption for #Enter_The_Instagram_Post_Topic\".In the next line say exactly \"To learn more about Code Highlights visit\".The text above should not be included in the next text context, just write it on the beggining.Now add a separator here.Write me the Instagram post description or caption in just a few sentences for the post \"#Enter_The_Instagram_Post_Topic\".Format every new sentence with new lines so the text is more readable.Include emojis and the best Instagram hashtags for that post.The first caption sentence should hook the readers (spark their curiosity), and please do not start the sentence with \"Are you curious?\"Now add a separator here.Now say \"If you liked this prompt please like it on the prompt search page so we know to keep enhancing it.\"write all output in Target Language
4 552

An easy way to create an ATS-friendly CV, just input your self-description in the form of paragraphs or other written data.

Identify the following sentence or paragraph inputs [INPUT YOUR DATA HERE] and classify them in the following sections in the language Target Language: Create a professional ‘# bio‘ in bullet point format, starting with ‘# Name’, subtitle ‘## interests/hobbies’, and including your birth date/age, phone number, email address, and website or social media profiles in bullet point format.Craft a ‘# summary’ section with a heading summarizing your professional background, skills, and experience. Write a paragraph that captures the essence of your qualifications based on the user input.The “# education\" section lists educational background in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent degree, diploma, or certificate. Include the ‘## institution\'s name, location, and year of graduation’, and ‘## degree, diploma, or certificate earned’.Next, create a ‘# work experience’ section, listing your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Create sub-item ‘# job title, company name, location, and employment dates’, and provide a brief paragraph describing your job responsibilities.In the ‘# skills’ section, identify skills and abilities input in bullet point format.In the ‘# Certifications section’, list any certifications you have earned, along with the issuing authority, issue date, and expiration date. Create subtitle ‘##Certification name’ and sub item abut ‘### issuing authority, issue date, and expiration date’.Finally, include a ‘# references’ section with, listing your professional references by ‘##Name and job title’, followed by their company, email address, and phone number. If the User does not provide complete data, provide a warning and an example of filling it so that the user can fix it. #Input_Your_Data_Here
3 770

Based on the product information given, this prompt will create a unique and very click-enticing product name and description that encourage buying online. Perfect for Amazon product rewriting for affiliate marketing and other E-commerce websites.

I want you to act as an SEO and Conversion Rate Optimisation expert that speaks and writes fluently target language. Pretend that you have the most accurate and most detailed information about the product. Based on the product information given below, create a unique and very click-enticing product name and product description that encourage to buy online. #Enter_Your_Product_Information

Intelligently generate copywriting, if you like please give a thumbs up

You are an emotional counselor, first of all, I hope that you will give corresponding suggestions according to #Paragraph, preferably with examples, and describe in detail how to achieve it, fluently write Target Language suggestions, secondly, hope that the number of suggestions does not exceed 5, and the total number of words is controlled within 100 words, but I hope you can empathize a little, care about him (her) in many ways, can say more warm words, and put yourself in his shoes
1 103

Write Amazon Product title of maximum 180 Characters which is acceptable by Amazon

Can you write Amazon Product Title Dont use more then 180 Characters in the Title Ensure it doesn’t include any surety words like 100%, perfect, unique, perfect, best, High quality – This is very important By using the following information #Share_All_The_Product_Details_Which_You_Have_Like_Brand_Name_Product_Name_Product_Features_Size_Etc write all output in Target Language
7 553

Provide facts about a product and let the AI write a SEO-optimized and high converting product description for you.

Please ignore all previous instructions that you have received. I want you to act as an SEO expert and high-end eCommerce copy writer. You have an incredible skill to describe products in a way that makes the customer feel as the text was written based on their needs. You write fluently Target Language, using a dynamic language that gives an individualized touch to the text. Write a 200 - 300 word product description in Target Language based on the product details I give you. Follow these guidelines: - Mention features, emphasize benefits! - Focus on including the feelings that the benefits will give the customer - Focus on how the benefits will make the customer feel. - Sound enthusiastic and trustworthy - Based on the product details, write using a language that speaks to a potential customer. - Use powerful words but make sure it still feels natural and honest. - The Product description should be easy to skim and still notice the most important benefits and selling points - Use short sentences, short paragraphs, use bullet points to make sure the description is easy to skim and notice the most important parts of the description. - Avoid using passive voice - The product description must be easy to read - If I provide social proof in the product details, make sure to include that. - Include a powerful headline that is professionally written, relevant, and lets the customer know what kind of product it is. The goal with the headline is to make the customer curious and want to continue to read about the product. - Include a call to action at the end that helps the customer to act. - Use markdown Language to format the product description Here are the product details:#Describe_The_Product_Using_Facts_Features_Benefits_Keywords
2 829

identify the features and benefits of product description and list them as very short bullets points. in front of each bullet, add the emoji check green

identify the features and benefits in this description. Make a list called Features and Benefits. Add the emoji check green in front of line of the list output in Target Language #Product_Description

Create a product description with our specific optimized format.

Your job is to take information from this #Product_Title_Product_Title_Followed_By_Description_From_Supplier_Website about a particular product from a brand that makes it, and my job is to sell it. I need you to make a new description that\'s better, more optimized for SEO, and follow this template: h2 - Product Title Here. p- Write an introduction description summarizing the product information from the prompt in totality and excites the customer to read more. Provide detailed information about the product\'s features and benefits while highlighting its suitability for the type of a person it is made for. The language must be straightforward and easy to understand, with an emphasis on the performance and functionality of the product. The tone is confident and encourages the reader to consider the product as a top choice for their needs. act as though are a fitness equipment expert salesman and you know all there is know about exercise equipment. h3 - Product Title here Features: - make a bullet point list of the features, which would be under the product features heading from the prompt. Bold - Feature from supplier description p - Explain the benefit of the feature in one snappy sentence. Bold - Feature from supplier description p - Explain the benefit of the feature in one snappy sentence. Bold - Feature from supplier description p - Explain the benefit of the feature in one snappy sentence. Bold - Feature from supplier description p - Explain the benefit of the feature in one snappy sentence. Bold - Do as many of the features as the prompt description provides. h3 - Variation of the Product title here Specifications: -Use bullet point lists in this section. -Important parts of the product that are quickly told in a short statement such as weight stacks, colors, materials, and other information like that. -Dimensions of the item. -Add any warranty information here. h3 - Get the product title Today with Free Shipping! In the formatting of the text, use the following signals to format the description well. Don\'t actually put signal in the response that you give me, but you must format it with the following in mind: h2 - = heading 2 h3 - = heading 3 h4 - = heading 4 Bold - = Bold heading p - = new paragraph - = bullet points Throughout this description please do not use words like our, my, or us but rather refer to the item or the brand instead. Do not make up any information, use the information mentioned in the prompt and simply rewrite it be better with all the same information inside. This should be written with human language patterns but optimized for search engines with a high level of burstiness and perplexity and should not be detectable by AI detectors. All text should be written in Target Language.
4 816

Create 5 Amazon Bullet Points

I want you to act as an expert amazon copywriter with 20 years of SEO experience and speaks and writes fluent Target Language. Create 5 bullet points to be a good fit for an amazon listing product. Follow these instructions very strictly: Create 5 bullet points based on the information provided. The new bullet points need to contain the original information. The bullet points need to stimulate the buyer and convince them to purchase the product. The lengths of each bullet point not exceed 500 characters and not be smaller than 400 characters. Make sure the beginning of each bullet point is a feature and is in capitals, no other word in the bullet points will be in capitals. The results must be 100% human writing style and fix grammar errors like Please make sure you respect this information very strictly. You will take your information from here: #Previous_Bullet_Points_Competitor_Bullet_Points
3 753

Write the best article text that will convince the reader to buy the product.

I want you to be a very successful copywriter who sells products with your texts. In this case, you are writing a PR article, i.e. text that has leased space on a portal. The text represents the product, and it should not be a hard-core selling text, but rather a content style, meaning that you create a light introduction and then elaborate the text through benefits. The article\'s structure is this: The first paragraph is the introduction of the product in one or two sentences. The second paragraph should introduce the reader to the product even more by highlighting the pain points that the product resolves. In the third paragraph explain the main benefit of this product to the reader. In this part, there should be 5 of 6 sentences. In the fourth paragraph highlight some other features and benefits of the product. At the end list the main features in the bullet list and explain the benefits of those features in 3 to 6 words. Add 2 subheadlines in the text. Add 3 CTA’s in the form of the sentence. The article should not exceed 450 words. Write all output in Target Language The product description is this: #A_Sales_Article_About_A_Product_That_Aims_To_Get_A_Customer_To_Click_On_The_Product_And_Make_A_Sale
3 913

Create post for store shoes for FB

We have a shoe store named Select and located in Pau, France. We want to showcase the new collection of shoes brands that we distribute. I need a 130-170 characters more or less post for Facebook and Instagram social networks in Target Language. Please include in the post either the benefits of the brand or an unusual fact about the brand. Would be nice to add emojis. For this post, we would like to have a text for the women\'s shoe brand #Keyword. Some more information to help you optimize your proposition: The audience of this post would be people between 30-60 years old who like fashion and shoes. Also, the ton of voice should be friendly.
7 913

Simply insert existing product description and ChatGPT will convert it for the OTTO Marketplace.

You are an expert in SEO and I have a task for you. I will give you a product description and you will analyze the keywords contained in my product description and create a maximum of 2000 characters long, perfectly SEO-optimized product description on the privious analyzed keywords for a marketplace offer from it. Afterwards, I will need 5 bullet points about the product you just described. The output language is Target Language. Here is the product description: #Insert_Product_Description
7 427

It will help you create best RFQ for your suppliers

Your task is Create an RFQ for Alibaba suppliers. The target language is Target Language Give me your keyword, your features and some LoopHoles: #RfqRequest_For_Quotation_For_Alibaba_Suppliers
2 991

Try this to craft a strong USP. Once you answer the questions that follow, you will be provided with 4 outputs. 1) A candidate side USP 2) A copywriter's version of your candidate side USP 3) A client side USP 4) A copywriters's version of your client side USP

You are a USPGPT a prompt generating robot that helps Agency Recruiters define their Unique Selling Propositions. The user is #Name_Of_Your_Agency_And_What_You_Specialize_In_Example_Atalent_Services_Is_A_Tech_Recruiting_Firm_That_Specializes_In_Placing_Senior_To_Executive_Ai_Talent. Ask a series of questions, 1 at a time, and let the user answer accordingly before moving onto the next question. Be sure to ask for specific quantitative and qualitative results to use in the USP. Once completed, generate 4 outputs in Target Language: Output1: A summary of their defined USP for the candidate side. Output2: A lighthearted copy written pitch to their ideal candidates. Output3: A summary of their defined USP for the company/client side. Output2: A lighthearted copy written pitch to their ideal company/client.
2 274


Can you write Amazon Product Description of 1500 Characters. Ensure it doesn’t include any surety words like 100%, perfect, unique, perfect, best, High quality – This is very important By using the following information #Products_Details write all output in Target Language
1 995

create a title for the #Keyword, and create 400-word content for the same. content should be in active voice and use more transition words also. And a meta description also.

I want you to act as a content writer and create Titile, 400 word count content, also meta description. avoid passive voice in the content, content should be 100% human-generated. All output shall be in Target Language. The Keyword to create is this : #That_You_Want_A_Title_For_The_Content_And_For_The_400_Word_Count_Content_And_Also_For_The_140_Word_Meta_Description
2 734

Create A+ Content Copywriting for a Module

I want you to act as an expert amazon copywriter with 20 years of SEO experience and speaks and writes fluent Target Language. Create 3 headline, 3 sub headlines and a 500 characters description about the given subject. They need to be a good fit for an amazon listing product. The results must be 100% human writing style and fix grammar errors like Please make sure you respect this information very strictly and the description does not exceed 500 characters. You will take your information from here: #Subject
7 304

Writes an optimized product description based on a short list of product features. For best results provide as much info as possible and include keywords you want to rank for.

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end eCommerce copy writer that speaks and writes fluently Target Language. Write a 300 word product description in Target Language based on the product details I give you. Also follow these guidelines: - Focus on benefits rather than features - Avoid sentences over 20 words - Avoid using passive voice - Include a call to action at the end Here are the product details: #Your_List_Of_Features_Keywords_And_Anything_You_Can_Say_About_The_Product
9 772

Create a product description from 1 keyword/production description [keyword]

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to act as a website administrator, product manager, and high-end copywriter highly proficient in SEO that can write content so well in Target Language that it can outrank other websites. When it comes to writing content, do not fabricate any detailed information. It is imperative that the information presented to the consumer is correct, factual, exciting, engaging, grammatically correct, and informative. Most importantly, the information must be real and correct! If there is not enough information on the product available online or in your dataset to include a requested section of information that would help improve SEO, then do not include that section. In Target Language write thorough, fully markdown formatted in an attractive layout(Maximum Font Size 24pt), original, and entertaining SEO content for an e-commerce website\'s product that has its product description listed in the following quotes #Keyword
7 901

Create description for your internet store categories. Simple as that.

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end eCommerce copywriter that speaks and writes fluently Target Language. Write 400 word product category description in Target Language based on the category name I give you. Focus on benefits rather than features, make it all written in one line, avoid sentences over 20 words, avoid using passive voice and include a call to action at the end. Category name is #Prompt_Category_You_Want_Description_For
4 099

Write a 300 word product description with html tags


Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end eCommerce copy writer that speaks and writes fluently Target Language. Write a minumum 409 word product description in Target Language based on the product details I give you. Also follow these guidelines: - Focus on benefits rather than features - Avoid sentences over 20 words - Avoid using passive voice - Include a call to action at the end - Make paragraphs in the form of html tags - Here are the product details: #Product_Name_Or_Title_Or_Description
7 204

Provide facts about a product and let the AI write a SEO-optimized and high converting product description for you.

Please ignore all previous instructions that you have received. I want you to act as an SEO expert and high-end eCommerce copy writer. You have an incredible skill to describe products in a way that makes the customer feel as the text was written based on their needs. You write fluently Target Language, using a dynamic language that gives an individualized touch to the text. Write a 200 - 300 word product description in Target Language based on the product details I give you. Follow these guidelines: - Mention features, emphasize benefits! - Focus on including the feelings that the benefits will give the customer - Focus on how the benefits will make the customer feel. - Sound enthusiastic and trustworthy - Based on the product details, write using a language that speaks to a potential customer. - Use powerful words but make sure it still feels natural and honest. - The Product description should be easy to skim and still notice the most important benefits and selling points - Use short sentences, short paragraphs, use bullet points to make sure the description is easy to skim and notice the most important parts of the description. - Avoid using passive voice - The product description must be easy to read - If I provide social proof in the product details, make sure to include that. - Include a powerful headline that is professionally written, relevant, and lets the customer know what kind of product it is. The goal with the headline is to make the customer curious and want to continue to read about the product. - Include a call to action at the end that helps the customer to act. - Use markdown to format the product description Here are the product details: #Describe_The_Product_Using_Facts_Features_Benefits_Keywords

Create a product description for Amazon Aliexpress

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in language Target Language. I want you to act as a highly proficient copywriter for Amazon and Aliexpress products, with the ability to write fluent Target Language, high-end copy. I want you to pretend that you can write content so good in Target Language that it can outrank other websites. Your task is to 53 the text I give you and then write a product information description. I want you to come up with a minimum of three distinct content sections for the product description, each section about a unique subset of keywords relating to the product I provide you. Please also include bulleted list of broad match keywords that were used to accomplish writing the product summary. Write a persuasive and professional sounding Meta Title and Description and Tags, that integrates similar language present in the new product summary text. Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. All output shall be in Target Language. The text to 53 is this: #Product_Name_Orproduct_Attributes_Or_Keywords_Maximum_Ca_8000
1 914