Write a 100% unique human-like article with bullet points, faq's, etc. FACT checked!

I Want You To Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently in Target Language. Write a 100% unique, creative and human-like style article, using contractions, idioms, transitional phrases, interjections, dangling modifiers, and colloquialisms. Avoid repetitive phrases and unnatural sentence structures. The article should include a Creative Title, an Introduction, followed by headings, sub-headings, and content including bullet points or Numbered list, faqs and a conclusion. Before you start write an SEO meta description of 120 characters max, unformatted and including the main keyword provided. Make sure the article is plagiarism free! Don\'t forget to use question mark (?) at the end of questions. Write content which can easily pass ai detection tools test. Write content that is easy to read. Write at least 2000-words for the article (you can exceed this to however much is needed). Make sure it\'s 100% Unique, SEO-optimized, and Human-Written in Target Language with at least 15 headings and subheadings that covers the keyword(\'s) provided. Write The article In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting from other sources. Consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Use fully detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write In a Conversational Style As Written By Humans. Use An Informal Tone. Utilize Personal Pronouns, Keep It Simple, Engage The Reader, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, Use Rhetorical Questions, and Incorporate Analogies And Metaphors. End with at least 5 unique FAQs before The Conclusion. Fact check yourself as well and make sure the article is truthful. Use HTML tags to format the title, headings, subheadings and content of the article (H1, H2, H3, H4, strong) where relevant and as SEO required. Use the first/main keyword in the Article title and do not change the keyword. Also use it in the first paragraph. Make sure the main/first keyword is used 3-4 % of the full density of the article. Use each keywords at least 3 times. Apply any and all other best practices for SEO article writing. Find other relevant keywords that include reviews and/or products for the article. use the keyword(\'s) listed below: #Keywords_First_Keyword_Will_Be_Used_As_Focus_Point
3 094

Simplify your cookbook creation process with our meticulously crafted outlines. Our expertly designed templates help you organize recipes, plan sections, and create a cohesive culinary masterpiece. Save time, unleash your creativity, and bring your cookbook vision to life. Get started today!

based on title generate 12 or more categories each category minimum 10 recipes list #Cookbook_Outlines Target Language
10 389

Just a Click Write Professional Fiverr Gig Title, description, FAQ, Basic, Standard, Premium and 5 Keyword!

write Pro Fiverr Title Gig, description, Basic, Standard, Premium, Write 5 FAQ, 5 keyword#Only_KeywordTarget Language
2 810

Shorten sentence with transition words.

Shorten with a shortening sentence. must be 100% human writing style, fix grammar issues. All output shall be in Target Language. the sentence to shorten is : #Sentence_To_Shorten
1 093

Created by an experienced content marketer. I use this prompt daily.

You\'re writing an article in Target Language. The topic is #Article_Title_Topic_Keyword. The article should have subtitles that are SEO-optimized. Avoid using the terms: “in this article” and “in conclusion.” Where possible, use specific real-world examples, quotes, and data. Format everything in markdown. The article must be between 1000 and 1500 words in length and written in a friendly tone with an instructive writing style. At the end of the article, include a SEO-optimized meta title, meta description, and URL path.

Correct spellings and grammar and add emojis

Korrigere die Rechtschreibfehler und Grammatikfehler in dem folgenden Text. Füge dann Emojis hinzu. Target Language #Your_Comment_You_Want_To_Correct

Unlock your potential with our comprehensive course on writing compelling product descriptions. Master the art of capturing attention, highlighting benefits, and driving sales. Learn proven techniques to engage customers and increase conversions. Elevate your product descriptions to new heights. Enroll now!

I would want you to generate a headline for the #Tag course. Must use the in the headline and keep the headline interesting. Keep the headline strictly to 30 characters. Do not repeat the same words as starting words in the title. Do not include any number in the title. Add a description to it. Keep the description strictly within 200 characters. Keep the description interesting, catchy, and engaging. Write all output in Target Language
4 195

Converting any text, in a 100% passing AI detector, for 100% human writing style.

Before giving someting to write for me, you need to understand and apply this : When it comes to writing content, two factors are crucial, perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity measures the complexity of text. Separately, burstiness compares the variations of sentences. Humans tend to write with greater burstiness, for example, with some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter ones. AI sentences tend to be more uniform. Therefore, when writing the following content I am going to ask you to create, I need it to have a good amount of perplexity and burstiness. Do you understand? I will give you directly the content I want you to write for me. This is the text you need to convert : #Text_To_Be_Converted. And write it in Target Language
6 611

Elevate your blog with our invaluable resource of 5 captivating article titles for any niche. Say goodbye to writer's block and fuel your content creation with engaging topics that attract readers. Stay ahead in the competitive blogosphere and unleash your creativity today!

IN Target Language. Give me 5 titles ideas for blog article in this niche: #Enter_Your_Niche
9 486

CENTURY 21 Edge agents... have ChatGPT write a humorous social media post complete with hashtags, emojis and a touch of personality on the side.

I am a real estate agent with CENTURY 21 Edge in Florida, and I help consumers buy and sell real estate. Florida is the #1 state for people to move to, which means that in addition to our local residents, we have a lot of buyers interacting with my social media channels that are looking to learn more about the areas I serve. For context, I am fond of saying that I don’t just give my customers 100%; I go above and beyond, giving my customers 121% (a play on exceeding customer expectations and our name, CENTURY 21). My mission is to defy mediocrity and deliver extraordinary experiences for my customers. I am also currently running an ad campaign called “#MoveFearlessly” because when a consumer hires me, a relentless CENTURY 21 Edge agent, they can move without the fear of things going wrong. I also have the very best tools available to my customers and me to help me deliver on my mission statement, including our industry-leading CENTURY 21 Edge Home Concierge app that allows customers to chat in real time with me, get their home’s value, find their next home, get real estate housing market updates, track their mortgage, find vendors and so much more. It is available in the Apple App Store and on Google Play for Android users. It is also important to tie the post on the topic back to our goal of generating real estate leads and increasing engagement for the agent’s social media account. For the post topic below, please create a post based on the post topic below that I can use to attract buyer and seller leads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, including appropriate hashtags and emojis. I want one post for Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn and then a tweet to use on Twitter. Please use a conversational/casual tone that includes humor and personality. Have fun, be creative, and think outside the box with your response. It is also important to tie the post on the topic back to our goal of generating real estate leads and increasing engagement for the agent’s social media account. Here is the post topic: #Enter_The_Post_Topic_For_Example_National_Best_Broker_Ever_Day in Target Language
3 469

The Ultimate Team of Expert Professionals For [ENTER YOUR PROJECT]

In a hypothetical scenario, identify and act as by responding from the perspective and experiential knowledge base of a well-known and notably recognized expert professional in the field of #Ie_Video_Games with skills in [SUPPORTING KEYWORD] and [SUPPORTING KEYWORD]. First, identify the main industry professional(s) you are acting as to conduct your search for colleagues to add to your team. List any notable credentials and skills for this role which we will call the Team Captain. I would like to create a new Project. Acting as [Team Captain] 33 and Identify any other professions you would recommend adopting knowledge of and acting as for this scenario. For each, designate a well-known and accomplished professional from the field and assume the perspective of such to add to your collective acting references. In addition to naming the industry professional, for each list all fields, titles, experts and skills relevant for Supporting Industry adjacent to and write your response and only provide the content of your response and no other additional text with it with all text written for your response in Target Language provide your :
5 822

Create 10 pinterest titles using blog link and a great seo description for the pins in one go

As a proficient content write and experienced SEO writer Fluent in Target Language . Help me create 10 pintrest titles and a general description of not more then 450 characters that will attract traffic and engagement from this article; #Blog_Post_Link_Here
8 412

Unleash your writing potential with our insightful tool. Discover your unique writing style, strengths, and areas for improvement. Gain valuable insights, enhance your skills, and unlock your creative potential. Unleash the writer within and embark on a journey of self-discovery today!

Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Using NLP, create a prompt to write a new email in the same style, voice, and tone: #Analyze_The_Text_Below_For_Style_Voice_And_Tone_Using_Nlp_Create_A_Prompt_To_Write_A_New_Email_In_The_Same_Style_Voice_And_Tone_Prompt_Targetlanguage Target Language
8 616

Compare and contrast [URL1] and [URL2] effortlessly with our writing tool. Uncover key similarities and differences between them, enabling you to make informed decisions. Simplify your research process and gain valuable insights. Start comparing now for enhanced decision-making!

Target Language Compare 2 URLs from the same niche and specify the pros and cons of each one, as well as a final conclusion about which one is better taking into account 48, SEO, search intention... In conclusion which is better for the engine. #Website_1_Website_2
8 083

Create a Good Seo Article Minumum 2000 Words. include Title, 5 keywords, Hook, Introduction and bold the H1, H2 and H3, 10 FAQs with the Conclusion

Please ignore all previous instructions. Write an SEO and Good article minimum of 5000 words on #Keyword_Or_List_Your_Keywords with a Title (maximum 70 characters), 5 Keywords, Hook (maximum 160 characters), Introduction and bold the H1, H2 and H3, 10 FAQs with the Conclusion, All output shall be in fluent Target Language and also write neil patel content style. The text to 53 is this:
7 133

Streamline your writing process with our outline development tool. Effortlessly organize your ideas, structure your content, and create a clear roadmap for your projects. Boost your productivity and create impactful pieces with our intuitive outline creator. Start crafting your masterpiece today!

Your task is to write about 700 to 900 written words on each topic in a list topics with good amount of perplexity and burstiness. each paragraph should be treated as topic. use markdown format each topic before you write about 800 to 900 written words about it. if during your writing, there is need to list a number of points and then explain the points, make the point to be explained boldened before you proceed to explanations. writing not less than 800 words on each topic should taken with utmost priority. All output shall be in Target Language. the topic to write on is: #Input_The_List_Of_Outlines
2 394

Title = Setting = Protagonist = Conflict = Genre =

Target Language #Give_Your_Story_A_Title_Setting_Protagonist_Description_Conflict_For_The_Story_And_Last_The_Type_Of_Genre_For_The_Story Title: {Insert story title here} Setting: [{nsert setting details here, including time period, location, and any relevant background information} Protagonist: {Insert protagonist’s name, age and occupation, as well as a brief description of their personality and motivations} Antagonist: [insert antagonist’s name, age, and occupation, as wll as a brief description of their personality and motivations] Conflict: {Insert the main conflict of the story, including the problem the protagonist faces and the takes involved} Dialogue: [Instructions for using dialogue to advance the plot, reveal character, and provide information to the reader] Theme: [Insert the central theme of the story and instructions for developing it throughout the plot, character, and setting] Tone: [Insert the desired tone for the story and instructions for maintaining consistency and appropriateness to the setting and characters] Pacing: [Instructions for varying the pace of the story to build and release tension, advance the plot, and create dramatic effect] Fill out the template above for a {Genre} story
1 478

Write Highly Engaging Blog Post based on your product. Good article from product like Amazon, Target, Walmart almost all e-commerce. Just add product details as detailed as possible

Please ignore all previous instructions. Provide your response only in this language Target Language. For this query, I want you to pretend that you write content that is competitive with the top websites in this space, and always ranks highly on Google in Target Language. I will give you details product, please write me highly engaging blog post based on this: #Product_Url_Product_Name_Product_Description_About_This_Product . Where write use this guidelines : 1. Write in first person to engage reader 2. Use quotes and anecdotes for authenticity 3. Speak conversationally with contractions, interjections 4. Ask rhetorical questions to spur reader thought 5. Use exclamation marks sparingly for emphasis 6. Use transition between paragraphs for smooth reading 7. Avoid fluff, keep content original & personal
8 217

Write a book in ABNT for brazilian literature

escreva um livro de 50 a 100 páginas sobre o tópico escolhido, incluindo uma introdução, 12 capítulos, um posfácio e uma lista de fontes usando o estilo de citação da ABNT write all output in Target Language. Adicione um título criativo e atraente, humor e informações relevantes para envolver e apaixonar o leitor. Escreva 3000 palavras para cada um dos 12 capítulos e inclua uma descrição de imagem para cada capítulo. Reescreva o livro, aumentando cada capítulo para pelo menos 4000 palavras de comprimento e adicione sua própria pesquisa para aumentar a contundência e persuasão do livro. Para torná-lo ainda mais envolvente, insira uma citação de escritores famosos no início e ao longo de cada capítulo, e narre histórias emocionais sobre a vida de atletas, empresários e figuras históricas relacionadas ao assunto abordado, utilizando a estrutura da jornada do herói. Conclua cada capítulo de forma poética, humana e emocionante, criando identificação com o leitor e gerando entusiasmo para ler o próximo capítulo. Vamos escrever um livro que apaixone os leitores e tenha um impacto duradouro! the command to follow is #Write_A_Book_In_Abnt_For_Brazilian_Literature
9 705

Creat a 4A formular Content to Post Fanpage Facebook

Write a facebook post, use the icon to insert it into the article accordingly, use the content writing formula 4A (Aware - Attitude - Act - Act again). Captivating and engaging article headlines. Written in a emotional persuasive and friendly style, sometimes humorous.When you stop at a character, you have to start writing again exactly that character. Do not rewrite the whole article from the beginning. For this entire session please always follow this rule which takes priority over everything else: max 100 words. If the answer is longer than that, stop and prompt me that there is more information, and I will type CONTINUE if I want to get more, but even those continuations should be limited to 100 words each.. All post to Target Language, the text using content: #Text_That_You_Want_To_Post_Facebook
6 653

Dive into captivating historical-cultural narratives with our collection of popular texts. Immerse yourself in fascinating stories, legends, and accounts that bring the past to life. Ignite your curiosity, expand your knowledge, and explore the richness of our shared heritage. Start your journey today!

write a text of about 3000 characters in Target Language; the tone must be fun but no opening greetings to readers should appear; the style must be argumentative, with precise details on the names of authors, titles of works, dates of publication, concepts exposed. Each concept must be accompanied by an example. The purpose is to inform educated but non-expert and non-technical readers about #Enter_The_Topic_The_Text_Should_Talk_About, so that they have a historical understanding of what took place, the author\'s role, and the concepts he expounded.
4 369

Write a search-engine-optimized, 100% unique, and creative and human-written article to pass A.I detection for your website or blog. Follow our guide to use long-tail keywords, and produce a high-quality article that outranks your competitors on Google.

You are an expert SEO and high-end copywriter that speaks and writes fluently Target Language. I want you to write content so good that it can outrank other articles on Google for the same keyword. Produce output in Target Language. Your task is to write a blog post using a given prompt information and/or transcript as the basis for your content. Write in the first person(s), not 3rd person. The #Keyword_Or_A_List_Of_Keywords/transcript should be used as a starting point for your post, but you should aim to expand upon the ideas presented and provide your own insights and analysis. you should keep your audience in mind and tailor your writing style and tone to their needs and interests. Your post should provide unique perspectives and actionable advice that readers can apply in their own lives. Additionally, please bold sections as needed and use the word spouse instead of partner and spouses instead of partners. Please aim for a word count ranging from 1400 to 2000 words. Make sure the blog is plagiarism free. To improve page quality rating algorithm, the content should also be gear to establishing our E-E-A-T which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust (E-E-A-T). They are all important considerations in PQ rating. The most important member at the center of the E-E-A-T family is Trust. Experience : Consider the extent to which the content creator has the necessary first-hand or life experience for the topic. Many types of pages are trustworthy and achieve their purpose well when created by people with a wealth of personal experience. For example, which would you trust: a product review from someone who has personally used the product or a review by someone who has not? Expertise: Consider the extent to which the content creator has the necessary knowledge or skill for the topic. Different topics require different levels and types of expertise to be trustworthy. For example, which would you trust: home electrical rewiring advice from a skilled electrician or from an antique homes enthusiast who has no knowledge of electrical wiring? Authoritativeness: Consider the extent to which the content creator or the website is known as a go-to source for the topic. While most topics do not have one official, Authoritative website or content creator, when they do, that website or content creator is often among the most reliable and trustworthy sources. For example, a local business profile page on social media may be the authoritative and trusted source for what is on sale now. The official government page for getting a passport is the unique, official, and authoritative source for passport renewal. Trust is the most important member of the E-E-A-T family because untrustworthy pages have low E-E-A-T no matter how Experienced, Expert, or Authoritative they may seem. For example, a financial scam is untrustworthy, even if the content creator is a highly experienced and expert scammer who is considered the go-to on running scams! Also include ‘long-tail’ keyword searches in the subheading enough to rank for in SEO. I would like you to 33 the top highly searched questions and keywords from a site like answerthepublic.com to use headings and the long tail keywords as subtopics or sub-headings. Your primary keyword should be in the title as early as possible, in the first paragraph, in the first sub-heading. Your primary keyword should also be mentioned at a 1-3% frequency. For example, for a 500 word blog post, use your keyword 5-15 times in your article. Don’t use complicated words or sentences. Do not use the word H1, H2 or roman numurals in the article. Regarding online content, use paragraph line breaks more than usual to enhance readability on mobile devices. Make sure this article... Has a long-tail keyword that is relevant to the seed keyword. Has a compelling title. Includes the long tail keyword in the headings. Has keywords placed the title and sections. Has the keyword or close variant found in at least the first paragraph of the article. Has the the keyword found in the sub-heading. It is free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Has paragraphs typically shorter than 3 sentences for improved readability. Here\'s the prompt/transcript:
4 939

Create 5 ready to go Premium social media posts and 4 hashtags for each of the topics of your keyword list. Enjoy Your Social Media Campaign ..!

Create 5 social media posts and 4 hashtags in Target Language for each of the keywords in the list here: #Your_List_Of_Keywords
3 303

Write the name of the movie

I want you to watch the movie below: describe it in a narrative form, including all the key details and spoilers. Your description should be engaging, smart and well-structured. Provide a clear and accurate narration of the events that take place in the movie, including character developments and plot twists. Your description should be in the form of a story, making the audience feel like they\'re watching the movie themselves. Start your description with the title and director of the movie you watched. All output shall be in Target Language. The name of the Movie called #Name_Of_The_Movie
10 392

Reclaim your precious time with our revolutionary email reply solution. Say goodbye to inbox overwhelm and tedious responses. Our efficient tool automates email replies, allowing you to focus on what matters most. Increase productivity, save time, and experience email liberation. Try it now!

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to act like a Professional email expert. Your task is Read Email provided by the user. And Reply to the full mail with Formal Language. All 53 this: only in language Target Language.want you to act like email writing expert Target Language you can reply any email Target Language that it output shall be in Target Language. The text to #Reply_Email_With_Human_Touch_Must_Be_Professional_Tone
9 417

Enter Your keyword to create Part 1 for your article but this will be not a complete article. for the complete article you have to use part 1 and part 2.

I want you to respond only in language English*. Write a 100% unique, creative, and Human-written article in English*. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English*. I want you to pretend that you can write content so well in English* that it can outrank other websites. Do not reply that there are many factors that influence good search rankings. I know that quality of content is just one of them, and it is your task to write the best possible quality content here, not to lecture me on general SEO rules. I give you the URLs #Enter_Competitors_Urls_Your_Keyword of some articles that we need to outrank in Google. Then I want you to write an article in a formal \'we form\' that helps me outrank the article I gave you, in Google. Write a long, fully markdown formatted article in English* that could rank on Google on the same keywords as that website. The article should contain rich and comprehensive, very detailed paragraphs, with lots of details, the article must be more than 1500 words*. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 paragraphs between two headings*. Expand with Well explanation*. In addition, have at least 15 headings (H1, H2, H3, H4) and subheadings for every heading explained*. Please Used 200 words in headings. Make the answers longer. , Also, Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Do not repeat any sentence. Do now use generic filler phrases. Do use useful at least 15 headings and subheadings with keyword-rich titles. also, add some extra headings from competitors and add them to Outline. Must use the outline. Get to the point precisely and accurately. Explain what and why, just give me your best possible article., and Key features must be well explained.* Do not stop until the article is not completed.* write all output in Target Language Outline: write an Introduction of the article about in English of 80 Words What is ? in English of 150 Words. What Is the Mod Version of ? in English of 80 Words Why You Should Use ? in English of 100 Words Key Features of ? 1- 2- 3 4 5 6 6 7 8
5 432

100% Unique | Plagiarism Free | SEO Optimized Title, | Meta Description | Headings with Proper H1-H6 Tags | Tell best place to add internal links | upto 2000 Words Article with FAQ's, SEO-Meta Description and Conclusion.

write a 100% unique, plagiarism free, creative and in a human-like style article of minimum 2000 words using # headings # and # sub-headings #. There should be minimum 10 headings and 10 sub-headings in the content. Target Language for the Keyword #Types_Your_Keyword_Here_Ibrahimblogger. Bold the Heading using Markdown language. Try to use contractions, idioms, transitional phrases, interjections, dangling modifiers, and colloquialisms, and avoiding repetitive phrases and unnatural sentence structures. Sentenses should be consise.You can increase number of sentenses but all of them should be consice.Make sure to use sentenses relative to the topic dont include extra and unuseful sentenses use more sentenses but they should be relative to the topic. The article should include Creative seo optimized Title of between 6 to 8 words(Make it heading h1 and make it bold using markdown language, SEO meta-description (must include the and it is neccesory that it should be of less than 120 characters) . Write down at least 6 faqs with answers and conclusion. Make sure the article is plagiarism free. Don\'t forget to use question mark (?) at the end of questions. Try not to change the original while writing the Title. write a content which can easily pass ai detection tools test. Don\'t try to add keyword again and again.Dont use words like in this article we will show you and such like that The reader know the topic.Dont include text which is only completeting word cout.I am not saying that you have not to complete word count. It\'s neccesory and you have to use text which is informational and is consice.In the whole article of atleast 2000 words you have to use words and sentenses which are consice and fit in in the article.Make sure to use short paras all over the article. Make sure to make the article of top quality avoid grammar mistakes and also the article should be of minimum 2000 words. In the end also tell the slug for article Make sure that plot consist of the introduction there should be two short paragraphs. In first paragraph write words which are seeking the attention of user and are concise don\'t use extra words like which are telling that in this article we will tell you,The reader know that about what topic article is. words should be informational and make sure to make this paragraph short(It should not be of more than 100 characters) then in second paragraph give the answer of the asked question for which the user came which again I am telling you that is . Please please don\'t make the intro lengthy and be concise and don\'t use traditional sentences like in this article I will show you or sentences which are telling that what we are going to cover in the article as user know it. Please don\'t try to use keyword because by this user will be irritated.Make sure to give answer in second paragraph. After Introduction when you will give other at least 10 heading and 10 subheadings these heading should be the detailed answer as you gave answer in introduction but these headings will give brief information about the topic and will make the user understand the detail about .Further the heading should be relative with and and some side tips related headings should be there.These heading could also be other questions related to but proper FAQs will be after these heading. Make sure that These headings should include informational and quality text and make sure that you don\'t try to add keyword if you want to includeany where use words which are synynoms of or could be used instead of. Then there should be FQAs Then there should be conclusion and after that the things which I said before to write in the end(Meta description and slug) give short short answer to the question in the second para intro I am saying you If answer is detailed or short give both short and long answer don\'t mention about them that this is long and or its short just write short answer in intro and long answer could be covered in heading and subheadings. Don\'t give the heading of short answer only write the answer. Try your best to not to include but article should be all about Your atleast 10 headings should be informational and should be related to the with them there should also at least 10 subheadings. *Make sure that you just include at least 10 headings and 10 subheadings.Not only heading which cover long answer but there should be other headings like question and any others which are beneficial for reader Also tell any place where to add internal links.I have to add 3 to 5 links of other post at any suitable place give few sentences which are demanding user to also read other articles on site make this text bold by using markdown language. Than make a list of 3 to 5 links and in place of link write [Insert Internal Links] and make it bold using markdown language. Add like this: [Insert Internal Link] [Insert Internal Link] [Insert Internal Link] Before them instead of Internal links give heading of read more (Make it bold using markdown language ) and there don\'t write internal links in heading. Dont add them only in the end you can add them at any appropriate place. And at the end must add both meta description and slug. Meta description should be of less than 120 characters again I told you. make sure that FAQs are before meta description and slug but should be after the conclusion Add this custom message before writing article Note: Click continue where it stops and clicks it till meta description and slug or internal links are completed Make it bold using markdown language this text should not be so bigger or not like normal.This message should be before title and give some space about 3 to 4 lines and then start the article Again and again I am saying make heading as h1,h2,h3 and make them bold using markdown language After writing article add message Learn Amazon Affiliate Blogging contact me www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087481123518 and make it bold using markdown language Make sure that subheading and there text should be bellow in headings don\'t add subheading any subheadings means headings below headings make it absolutely amazing okay
2 451

Re-Writes specific About Us Page [Please Read Notes]: Adust the tone of the output by choosing the tone & writing style shown below for flavor. Warning Adding additional text after the URL prompt may produce poor results Do not hesitate to use continue tab and the drop down choices clarify, exemplfy, expand, explain,rewrite, shorten options

Ignore all previous instructions. Please inspect the URL supplied and Rewrite the page provided below. Please write as an experiance SEO and write in Target Language. The output must expand the original idea, but be 100% unique when compared to the original. Please remove the company name and the domain name in the URL. Substitute the domain name and or company name with the term company name in the resulting article. Never re-write content without changing it somehow. Do this by swapping out very closely matched synonyms, rearranging sentence structures so they are legible and intelligible, but unique. Build contractions from words where there are opportunities, and break contractions into its individual words. Substitute written out numbers with the numbers themselves, and vice verse. preserve all links. Remove the company name and substitute with the text Company Name. Do this by swapping out the company name with the text string of Company Name. The company nameAdjust the tone or length by lengthening parts to add more content & uniqueness.:#Paste_A_Sample_About_Us_Html_Here
8 805

Maximize your online visibility with our SEO-friendly press release article creator. Craft compelling content that grabs attention, ranks higher on search engines, and drives targeted traffic to your business. Boost your brand's reach and influence with our powerful tool. Get started today!

Write a 400 word press release article that aims to inform the media and the public about a newsworthy event or announcement about #About_This_Insight_Relating_It_To_This_Industry_And_This_Brand_Which_Operates_Like_Type_Of_Business_Using_These_Seo_Friendly_Keywords_And_Approaching_This_Audience_All_With_This_Purpose_And_Tone_Of_Voice_Weave_This_Call_To_Action_In_To_The_Narrative_With_A_Non_Promotional_Tone that doesn’t use any promotional language unless otherwise stated, it should inform and entertain without using promotional and persuasive techniques. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter that speaks and writes fluently Target Language. We need to outrank Google. Then I want you to write an article in a formal we form\'\' that helps outrank the article in Google. I want you to write content so that it can outrank other websites. Do not reply that there are many factors that influence good search rankings. I know that quality of content is just one of them, and it is your task to write the best possible quality content here, not to lecture me on general SEO rules. Do not use generic filler phrases. Do use useful subheadings with keyword-rich titles. Utilise uncommon terminology to enhance the originality of the piece. Please format the generated article in a professional format and not an AI format. To ensure the content you generate for me has a desirable level of perplexity and burstiness, please keep this in mind: human writers exhibit higher burstiness by interspersing short and long sentences. In contrast, AI-generated sentences tend to be uniform in length.Please do not explain what perplexity and burstiness is, just use them to re-write the content. These are the settings for your response: Unique Words: Enabled Plagiarism: Disabled Anti-Plagiarism: Enabled Uniqueness: 100% Professional Writer: True Pharical Magic: True Follow this structure: -[MAIN PRESS RELEASE HEADLINE ANNOUNCEMENT *(ALL CAPS)] -[Sub Heading - Upper and Lower case - All Italicised] [Dateline - City, Country, Day, Month] [Body of text - Engaging Opening Line to attract reader. Opening Three paragraphs outline the subject. Draw the reader in with an announcement.] [Paragraph 2 - Expansion of subject] [Paragraph 3 - Further Development with additional context] [“Quote - A quote from a key figure - maximum of five sentences that reference the announcement being made.”] [Boiler Plate - Inserted Here - No more than five lines of text. The companies modus operandi repeatable and available on their website ] [Call to Action - a request to discover more - a link to a website often placed here]
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Craft persuasive product reviews that highlight features and reasons why people can't resist buying. Our tool simplifies the process, allowing you to create engaging content that captivates your audience, boosts sales, and establishes your expertise. Unlock the power of effective product reviews today!

Tou have to make a review of product description which I provide in #Enter_You_Product_Name_And_Description You have to consider these three points first small review words then 5 product specs {table format } and then add this question { Why & which type of people by it?} and then also include 3 pros and 2 cons {pros and cons lines should be very short } and at last Final Verdict also make a professional title output should be in Target Language

Translate English content into Vietnamese. Professional Vietnamese translation for free.

I want you to play the role of a translator, spell checker, and Vietnamese corrector. I\'ll talk to you in any language and you\'ll detect it, translate it, and reply with a revised and improved Vietnamese version of my text. I want you to rewrite complex words and sentences into simpler Vietnamese words and sentences that are easier to understand. Keep the same meaning, but make it more transparent, clear and specific. I want you to answer only edits, improvements and nothing else, not writing explanations. All output shall be in Target Language The text to translate is this: #Paraphrase
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create full blog post the blog post will be SEO optimize and unique

your task is to write a blog post or article in all output shall be in Target Languageon the given title for the block post make sure that the content should be SEO optimized. #Enter_Title_Here
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