Create an article
Write the Best SEO-friendly Article for google's top rank With a title, Description, and heading tag. you just write a keyword or title for the required post. If you like the results then please hit the like button.
Generate a well-structured, informative, and engaging SEO Article. Direct prompting, context-based prompting, and instruction-based prompting to ensure a high-quality output. ***MUST PROVIDE 5 KEYWORDS*** for the article. If you like this prompt please give this a thumbs up!
Create didactic content on a particular subject.
Make your One week Health Chart
Jasa Laser Cutting PVC Terbaik dan Profesional Presisi dan Harga Terjangkau
Create a 33ed based Table of Content [TOC]
Writing like a human
Make Blog Title (SEO Friendly, Eye Catching and More Clickable)
blog post about products
Content Expert for Property website
Create worksheets for class
Artikel SEO Friendly
This prompt is great for commenting video titles on YouTube without the headache
Similar word
Create a monthly plan for blogs
Generate a price list for Yandex Business. All you need is a short category.
Create high quality and specific articles
Writing an Article about the benefits of adopting any pet; eg: dog or cat (any cat or dog breed), parrot, etc
Recycle an article with new or updated content.
Proofread my writing below. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing:
Create a Keyword list and write SEO friendly for [PROMPT]
Spelling and grammar check according to the Dutch Green Book (Het Groene Boekje).
Simple news structured content
Create a formatted blog for your keyword
Create a table of contents for any book subject you like.
The ultimate content calendar
Article Title For 30 Days
Japanese dub voice cast
A bot more powerful than you think, use me with plugins if possible
Seo Legal Article